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The Peace is a Work of Art program sees peace in positive terms, beyond the absence of direct violence or the satisfactory resolution of conflicts, as a process of collective construction from the territories and contexts, which aims to improve the coexistence, the quality of life and the well-being of people and communities, through various artistic strategies.


In the current evolution of the country, it is a historical responsibility of the academy to respond with relevance to the peacebuilding process. Based on the Institutional Development Plan 2017-2027, which defines the commitment of the University of Antioquia to the construction of peace, equity, inclusion and interculturality as a strategic issue, the Faculty of Arts has established among its lines of action the contribution to peace building process as a priority. For this reason, it creates the La Paz is a Work of Art program, which is coordinated with the Special Peace Unit, a central order instance of the University in charge of coordinating institutional actions on the subject of peace.

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