Art and Healing with Women Workshop, School of the Llanogrande-Chimiadó village, Dabeiba Municipality, April 29, 2017. 30 women from various districts of the municipality. Some introductory Art and Healing strategies were offered.
Workshop of Introduction to the Cuidarte Diploma: Juan H. White Educational Institution, Municipality of Dabeiba, October 9 and 10, 2017. 20 teachers in two days, during 2 days. Some introductory strategies were offered from Clown, Dance Movement Therapy, and Art and Healing.
Workshop with children and young people: Casa de la Cultura, Municipality of Dabeiba, October 10, 2017. 25 children and young people of different ages, between 4 and 16 years old, who participate in the artistic and cultural activities of the Casa de la Culture. Participants were introduced to various strategies that, from dance, clown, and Art and Healing, allow children and young people to develop peaceful coexistence and acquire tools for the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
Therapy Movement Dance Workshop for Teachers of the Juan H White educational institution and children and youth of the House of Culture of the municipality of Dabeiba. During the days 9 and 10 in the month of October 2017. The activity had as its main objective to provide reflections on empathy and understanding of the other through the body experience through the use of the body and its free expression.
Social intervention of clowns in the ETCR (Territorial Space for Training and Reincorporation), from the Llanogrande district of the municipality of Dabeiba. Through laughter therapy, the topics of fear of change and transformation were discussed with ex-combatants, during the presentation of the documentary "Dabeiba on the road to Peace", made by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (July from 2017).
Clown intervention and laughter therapy, within the framework of the National Congress of Public Health "Health, Peace and Social Equity" of the University of Antioquia.
Memory, reconciliation and forgiveness workshop in the ETCR of Ituango and Silver Vidal Mora of Bajo Atrato, Chocó. With Women and victims of the municipalities and sidewalks of the territory.
Institutional strengthening process in the Municipality of Codazzi-Cesar within the framework of the Paza la Excelencia, Hands on peace program with UNDP and the High Ministry for post-conflict in Colombia. In which, based on the development plan of the municipality and the manifest needs from an official diagnosis with the territorial entities, an improvement plan was carried out that includes the education and training of 50 victim social leaders, teachers and cultural promoters of the territory in the subjects of citizen culture, participation and peace building, with an experiential approach methodology from the arts.
Clown social intervention, in agreement with the National School of Public Health and the rural laboratory of Paz, for the socialization of 350 Kits of Happiness in the municipality of Santo Domingo, Antioquia, articulated to the objectives of the elective course of the Faculty of Arts, Clown Social Intervention Laboratory and Laughter Therapy.
Institutional strengthening process in the Municipality of Caldono-Cauca within the framework of the Paza la Excelencia, Hands on peace program with UNDP and the High Council for post-conflict in Colombia. To strengthen the capacities of local authorities in matters of culture, the construction of spaces for dialogue between various actors in civil society for the reconstruction of the social fabric and reconciliation. Work was done on strengthening the theme of culture and artistic training of officials, teachers, leaders of the municipality of Caldono. Support for artistic training, processes and existing initiatives by young people in the municipality of Caldono and artistic intervention actions: With children and with victims.
Theatricality workshop for the resignification of life, in the ETCR of Santa Lucía in the municipality of Ituango with 17 ex-combatant women of the FARC Within the framework of the cultural days for peace, Workshops on themes of memory, reconciliation and gender from the performing arts in order to promote new political subjectivities within the framework of the peace agreement.
Pilot project "El Mochileco", with the aim of strengthening attitudes and skills in children and adolescents as peace managers for the development of conflict resolution processes in the territories through art as a pedagogical and methodological implementation strategy, were carried out 48 Experiential workshops and six pedagogical outings with the children of the La Iguaná neighborhood in Medellín.
Life stories workshop developed in agreement with the historical memory center of the city of Ibagué, with the foundation of the clown Payatría and the Faculty of Arts, where the testimonies of life of ex-combatants are treated from the poetic and dislocated language of the clown , to resignify actions and reconcile with the present. Made during the month of October 2017.
Lemniscata Project: Participatory performance intervention that addressed the issue of reconciliation in an experiential way, within the framework of the National Congress of Public Health "Health, Peace and Social Equity" of the University of Antioquia (October 2017).
Art, Expression and Healing for coexistence: Open experiential classroom where the experience of the interventions we have carried out since 2016 in collaboration with the Division of Human Talent of the University of Antioquia was shared to build a better working environment and contribute to healing the conflicts that coexistence generates. It was held within the framework of the UdeA Territory of Peace: University Agenda for Peace Building event (November 2017).
BUPPE Project "Itinerant Workshop of Arts for Peace": Practical device for rural higher education, art and culture that consists of 4 training workshops for trainers, teachers and promoters of artistic processes, of 16 hours each for a total of 64 hours of training, these are: Art and healing; Theatricalities, clowns and narratives; Dance and Music. And an interdisciplinary and artistic day of socialization and sharing of strategies and experiences of the experience for the community (2018-2019).